
Monday, 1 April 2013

LAZY CC - tip for nightclub pick up (夜浦獵艷必備 ^___^)

I'm bringing sexy back 

Them other boys don't know how to act 

I think it's special what's behind your back 

So turn around and i'll pick up the slack. 

Take em' to the bridge 

Justin Timberlake SEXY BACK!!
When every time I play this song, it remind me a lot clubbing memories!! but now I feel getting old and no longer go clubbing.....  

However sometimes I still want looking extra sexy on a date !!

I know I know Cc still look like a small silly kid, but I believe in fashion and makeup could bring out my "sexy"

Justin Timberlake 最近再次出碟, 不過還是喜歡他的以前爆紅的一首clubbing 飲歌

"SEXY BACK"!! 始於覺得這首歌很野性!!

CC 自知缺少野性和性感但總能夠透過妝容和穿著帶出少許野性.
 唔知大家覺得一對lace legging 有否為CC 帶出少少性感!

If you guys know me well, must seen I wear leggings all times no matter summer or winter or printed or patterns.

legging could be a concealer which hide scars and leg hair (if you are a very lazy person like me).
also  legs appear skinnier  thinner in leggings!!!

In these few years legging becoming one of the biggest trend in fashion wardrobe. is one of the important trendy items!!! 

CC 一年四季都會穿上legging, 
無論是有色, 有圖案或lace通通不放過.
喜歡legging 的原因是因為可以修飾腳形, 遮掩疤痕(cc 腳上有無數疤痕)

New world of legging is coming!!You are not going to believe this! 

LELA LOVE legging can actually moisturizing our legs by micro- encapsulation technology .They also has slimming and cooling collections.
wow, how  incredible!!!

 I can actually feel the smooth of my leg when put on this pairs of  legging!!

今次穿上一對"可以保濕"的絲襪!! 沒看錯是"可以保濕"!!
LELA LOVE 概念集合了護膚, 時尚和美態原素.

這對legging 屬於保濕系列,當中採用了"微膠囊技術".
除了保濕系列還有其他瘦腿, 冰涼系列!!


a pair smooth leggings with sexy black lace is must have clubbing item!!!
Gals, let's be a dirty babe and waiting for pick up!

這對legging 絕對是clubbing 獵艷必備!

 大家就穿上black lace legging 來做個DIRTY BABE吧!!

This is what the patterns look like on my legs.
大家不要誤會, 這對是穿上legging 的小腿效果........

Wanna to find out more about this legging, please visit here:

Lcx Xplus: 九龍尖沙咀海港城海運大廈三


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