
Sunday, 28 April 2013

LAZY CC -A girl and her dog (mY sPriNG Max & Match)

mY spring casual mix & match!

it has been raining all day and night last month, fortunately we finally had a sunny day ^___^

The weather was pretty sunny but not hot.
it was perfect for snapshot especially I  brought my dog with me!!

今次就來一次春天的配搭!! 之前已經落雨落足一個月, 好彩上星期街拍時好好天氣而且唔太熱, 

look at his face, he also enjoyed the sunshine and  weather.  

當天仔仔亦很開心, 因為唔太熱

What's on Cc:

Necklace- from Taobao

Blue t-shirt -  men's t -shirt

Pink umbrella skirt- from Taobao

Coloured tattoo legging - somewhere from Mong Kok

Flora hang bag- somewhere from CWB

Rain boots-  Vivienne westwood x Melissa 

CC 就介紹一下身上的配搭:

頸飾- 淘貨仔

藍色T-shirt - 男友底衫

粉紅裙- 淘貨仔

絲襪- 旺中

手袋- 銅鑼灣某商場

水鞋-  Vivienne westwood x Melissa

仔仔件衫-  銅鑼灣某pet shop

I  really like this flora hang bag!! Do you think this bag is cute??

自己亦很喜歡這個花花袋, 因為很有春天感覺.

所以出席活動時趁無咩人到就幫手袋拍攝!! 跟會場裝飾很襯

Street casual snap is so fun however if the weather is getting hotter, Cc will only take snap at home!! Summer in HK will be boiling hot believe me summer in HK is NOT enjoyable.

Hope you guys like my snap and my son ^___^!

今次街拍很隨心的拍, 加上帶埋仔仔出街就更開心

不過佢就唔多喜歡我係條街抱佢 佢話要大個仔喎, 要自己行 (這是CC幫佢translation)

今次就先介紹這仲介到這裡, 謝謝閱讀和bye bye 你條尾 ^____^!

please contact CC by:

1 comment:

  1. 襯得好好睇...
