I am an emotional person or I am just have a little split personality disorder ? seriously who care about these shxt?? I am still what I am... Yes I am small little blogger in a big big world but please respect me and my personality.
For this time I had split out three different styles with coloured contact lenses in.
The 1st look- trying to look damn cute.... (hehehe sometimes I feel sick to seeing myself too)
all sponsored by
1st look with AlicyDoll.【BLUE】
CC 一直都懷疑自己有人格分裂, 一時可以很有善, 一時可以很辣很PK...
根本分不清楚什麼是人格分裂什麼是情緒化, 還是算吧!!
第1個LOOK 配載了AlicyDoll.【BLUE】
冷係扮可愛型 (chok 樣Cc)
I must say this is my favourites coloured contact lens without reason and I found out this look good on me ^__^
CC 自己就大愛這色顏色, 很有層次而且放大得很自然.
I am sure you will like it too!!
2nd look with Catty Nudy - Grey Cheshire Cat
第2個LOOK 配戴了AlicyDoll.【Catty Nudy - Grey Cheshire Cat】
for this colour it go well with mature classic look.
That's why I had put this contact lenses in when filming makeup video (inspired by Adele "Sometime like you")
不知怎的, 總覺得這顏色比較襯成熟妝容, 所以對上的
This is my total look:
3rd look with AlicyDoll.【Catty Nudy - Turquoiset Tiffany】
第3個LOOK 就是配戴AlicyDoll.【Catty Nudy - Turquoiset Tiffany】 系列,
Finally the green one, believe it doesn't make us look like Hulk.
戴出來的效果沒有預期的誇張反而很自然, 加上下眼線改為用綠色眼影,
Even I am a Asian gal, coloured contact lenses doesn't look silly on me if I have apply right and suitable makeup on.
I hope you agree with me ^__^
Please read all of the instructions carefully before
putting contact lenses in!!
不要配戴多8小時, 對於CC 來就6 小時已經係極限
最後大家如果有興趣試戴請先LIKE https://www.facebook.com/AlicyDoll
再告知CC, CC 將抽出一位讀者, 於4/10 另行通知
AlicyDoll link:
please contact CC by:
cons' color look great^^